Friday, January 21, 2011

My Sort of Planning

Tyler asked me a few days ago what I had planned for the day. Planned? I told him that I didn't have any plans and that since Owen came I don't make plans. Owen has no schedule, making it nearly impossible to plan on anything. I never know when or if he will take a nap, where that nap will take place (only in my arms, for example), or how long that nap will last. There is simply no time to start a craft project, for example, let alone get it all out, before he wakes up from most naps. And since lately many of said naps end as soon as I set him down in his bed (or 5 minutes in), I've barely had time to start relaxing. This uncertainty makes planning on getting anything done less than tempting.

Instead I plan very little, and I feel more productive. Maybe this seems illogical, but think about it for a minute. If you want to get something done and never have the time, you just feel lame. It ruins your whole day. On the other hand, if you don't plan anything, you feel great when things do get done that you weren't planning on. So, in general, I don't really plan or I at least don't place loads of value in accomplishing said plans.

When I do plan, I try to allow for change. I alter my wording as it were. For example, rather than say, "I have to get the dishes done today," I say, "It would be nice to get the dishes done today." Maybe this seems trivial, but this simple change can make a huge difference. Consider it this way: (a) check the box I washed the dishes vs. celebration because I accomplished something extra during my day or (b) disappointment because I failed to accomplish one simple task I had planned vs. shrug it off, no big deal, I can do it later.

I have realized that I have more time than I thought. It's pretty piecemeal and therefore gets away from me because I don't use it wisely. To combat this, I make one, two, or three goals for the week--some things I want to accomplish that can be done whenever. I make sure my goals are reasonable and can be done a little at a time if necessary. I also have Tyler's help and support in accomplishing these. With his help, I can always do the task after he gets home from work and can watch Owen if need be. This week I made a craft for Valentine's Day I thought up a couple weeks ago while Tyler played with Owen. :)

Some time I've found is when I'm breastfeeding. I can stare off into space or zone out at such times, but I'm much less bored when I read instead. I feed Owen at least six times a day (he's started sleeping longer at night, not consistently, but still amazing!) and I can get a good deal of reading done at that time. It's made it easy to get some fun reading in. I'm currently reading The Grand Tour, the sequel to Sorcery and Cecilia. I also get my personal scripture study done. It's easy to make my goal of reading the Book of Mormon for at least 15 minutes each day when I do it during Owen's feedings.

Owen is also pretty laid-back and hasn't developed stranger anxiety yet, so I can invite friends over or visit people spur of the moment without him freaking out. Just yesterday I had a friend come over to scrapbook with me. Owen happened to be awake the whole time, so I just chatted while she made cards. Owen had fun smiling at her and playing with me and I got to catch up with a good friend. I've even planned another craft day for next week--maybe Owen will nap and I'll get to make something. But if not, I'll still get to chat and that is definitely worth it.

Instead of checking off a list of tasks, I enjoy anything and everything I accomplish in a day, whether it was making Owen smile and laugh, running some errands, reading a few pages from a book, organizing, doing the laundry, or doing a project. Think of it this way: every day is an adventure! You never know what you will accomplish. :) And if I spend my whole day with Owen that's great. What is more important than making my baby happy and letting him know he's loved? Caring for him is true productivity and it's definitely better than getting the dishes done.


  1. Awesome attitude! I agree completely with your words. It's something I feel I am re-learning all the time! You are such a dear mom, and your Owen is so blessed to have you!

  2. I think you have a good plan for accomplishing tasks. It is so nice to be flexible!
