Thursday, January 6, 2011

Beds are for Sleeping

Owen has decided that he will only sleep in his bed when he's down for the night (with feedings interspersed still, of course). He does take naps, but he will not take them in his bed. Instead he insists on taking them on the couch, in my arms, or on my legs. This makes typing difficult like now since he is currently napping in my arms.

I try to put him in his bed when he's drowsy or even asleep already, but somehow he knows it is daytime and therefore only nap time. This knowledge wakes him up and he either wakes up to (a) laugh and kick in bed or (b) cry. Neither option makes me very happy. In the case of option a, I want to play with him when he's happy and awake. If I pick him up at this point though, he will quickly fall back asleep. In the case of option b, I hate it when Owen cries. It makes me so sad. I hurt inside.

I can't even handle Owen crying in bed at night. I tried to let Owen cry in bed for just a few minutes the other day. He was obviously tired, and you're "supposed to" put babies in their beds when they're drowsy so they learn to fall asleep on their own.... But I didn't last three minutes! (Not that I was going to let him cry for more than five or maybe ten minutes, he's still too little for that.) Instead, Owen fell asleep in my arms and then I put him in bed.

The irony of all this is that since I've been writing this over the past few hours, Owen has fallen asleep in his bed and it isn't even dinnertime yet. That boy has amazing senses...I think he just wanted to prove me and this post wrong.

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