Thursday, November 4, 2010

Another Experience

"They" say that every pregnancy is different--that not only does every woman experience pregnancy, labor, and delivery differently, but that every woman has a different experience with each pregnancy. This makes logical sense to me since your body is definitely different after one pregnancy besides the obvious differences in your age, expectations, and experiences the next time around. "They" might be right in this case.

Knowing that, it stands to reason that everyone experiences parenthood (in my particular case: motherhood) differently with each child. This experience would be especially true with the first child.

My newborn son is teaching me this. He is also teaching me how no matter how different our experiences raising a child are there are similarities, and learning both the similarities and differences makes life a little easier, a little more relaxed, and a little less daunting. So while my experience may or may not be typical or average (if there even is such an experience), I'll share it anyway. If nothing else, Socrates did say "The unexamined life is not worth living" and my life is worth living.

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